ADVENTURE 4 - 19.09.24

good day! that's pretty long, huh? vacation, despite comprising mostly of rotting on a sunbed, ended up being busier than i thought and only just two days after coming home i gathered the strength to hop on and make an update.

the albums section is now done!! it's the longest of them all but the other ones will too be updated. there are many things i love but i wanted to make sure to show off my absolute favorites first.

in these past two days since i came home i also threw together the first prototype of the akatsuki itabag! isn't that ironic!! i'm still waiting on some materials, though. i can't wait to show off the finished version!

ADVENTURE 3 - 01.09.24

although i only just started this site, it will have to go on a small hiatus. i'm leaving for vacation for the next two weeks, but i'm hoping to at least finish the albums section tonight

it's good news, though! after i come back, i will have a lot of stuff in the mail, so i'll have a good haul to show off. i plan to set everything up properly around here too and finally start the collection section. all the material for the soon to be akatsuki itabag will be there! until then, be well. remember to feed your local undead well

ADVENTURE 2 - 31.08.24

updated art gallery! it's nowhere near done but the basic layout is there. it's 4:20AM as i'm typing this, so i'll be wrapping things up for tonight.

ADVENTURE 1 - 30.08.24

this marks the start of this website. hi!! i'm sora!! i don't really know how to work with html so this site is especially crude. forgive me. i've created it for the purpose of being able to introduce myself with more ease, show off some things i like and potentially get people into my interests.

i'm not very good at these things, so be aware everything is a bit messy. i created this section to talk about my daily life, make updates, et cetera. sometimes i'll just post a random image of akatsuki. like now. take a look at my son! i took him on an adventure recently.